
Cpanel whm
Cpanel whm

cpanel whm

When you use the IP-based URL to access cPanel, chances are that you will see “https” browser warning. The number that you see at the end of the URL “2083” is cPanel secure port the other one “2082” which is the unsecured port and this is not allowed on our systems. Let’s say that the server IP is 123.456.789.101, you can login to cPanel using. Security tokens contain the string “cpsess” and a 10-digit number. Security tokens help to prevent unauthorized use of a website through XSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery). The security token that your server appends to your session’s URL. To specify a port number, enter a colon (:) then a number The https and http port numbers differ, even for the same service. You must specify a port number to access a cPanel & WHM service. The port numbers that cPanel & WHM services use.

cpanel whm cpanel whm

When you use a domain name to access cPanel & WHM services, make certain that the domain’s domain name system (DNS) record has propagated across the DNS system. This section of the URL specifies the remote server that you wish to access. The address consists of either an IP address (for example, or a domain name (for example, ). On our system, cPanel, WHM, and Webmail use “https” for encrypted connection to access cPanel & WHM services. Protocol: Protocol your browser uses to communicate with the remote server.

Cpanel whm